1. Quick installation

1.1. Install redis server for caching

$ sudo apt-get install redis-server

1.2. Install elastic search engine

Download and install elastic search engine > 5.5 as per OS.

1.3. Install an application

Create a working directory

$ mkdir ~/workspace
$ cd workspace

1.4. Clone a repository

$ git clone https://github.com/Pustakalaya/custompustakalaya pustakalaya

1.5. Create a virtual environment

To create a virtual environment you can use python virtualenv package, if you haven’t install in your machine, install it

$ sudo pip install virtualenv

1.6. Create and activate virtualenv

$ virtualenv venv -p /usr/bin/python3
$ source venv/bin/activate

1.7. Install project dependencies.

$ pip install -r pustakalaya/src/requirements/requirements_dev.txt

1.8. Configure project settings

Inside src/config directory, copy config.example.json to config.json and configure your project settings accordingly. Sample Configuration of config.json file.

  "MEDIA_ROOT": "/var/www/html/media_root/",
  "STATIC_ROOT": "/var/www/html/static_root/",
  "ELASTIC": {
    "ES_HOST": "",
    "ES_USE_SSL": "False",
    "ES_PORT": "9200"
  "EMAIL": {
    "EMAIL_HOST": "smtp.gmail.com",
    "EMAIL_PORT": "587",
    "EMAIL_HOST_USER": "manoj.example@olenepal.org",
    "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD": "yourpassword",
    "EMAIL_USE_TLS": "True",
        "Sys admin 1",
        "system admin 2",
  "REDIS": {
    "IP": "",
    "PORT": "6379"

1.9. Run migrations and create super user

$ cd pustakalaya/src
$ ./manage.py migrate --settings=pustakalaya.settings.development

#Create a user for your app
$ ./manage.py createsuperuser --settings=pustakalaya.settings.development

# Start local development server
$ ./manage.py runserver --settings=pustakalaya.settings.development

1.10. Compile frontend assets

Gulp and webapack has been used to compile front-end dependencies

  • Install yarn.

  • Install all the dependencies packages listed on package.json file.
  • Compile the sass assets using gulp